Multi-core Opterons:

This is the major and core which was mainly used by the company purpose of many peoples those who keeps many data or many important files which is not to be shared to others this kind of peoples use this kind of Opterons. Amd's model number scheme has changed somewhat in light of its new Multicore lineup. The Main features of AMD and it made in May of 2005, Amd introduced its first multicore opteron CPU at the present time, the term multicore at AMD in practice means dual core each physical opteron chip actually contains two seperate processor cores. Amd model number scheme has changed somewhat in light of tis new multicore lineup Amd fastest single core opteron at this time was the model 252, with one core running at 2.6 ghz, for multithreaded applications, the model 875 would be much faster than the model 252, but for single threaded applications the model 252 would perform faster. This AMD will be used and useful processor for the peoples of those who use many data application or many images to upload for their own website or even in their home based print out. Some peoples can be download many picture from the net faster by the use of this AMD and this will have a guarantee period of more than 3 years and the warranty of 2 years for all the peoples those who use this day to day life for the usefullness.